Berdella Trailer
December 25- 2008:
Our first theatrical trailer is now online, please view it below. If you would like to write about Berdella please refer to the attached press release.
We are also looking to hear from those people who have pictures of Bob Berdella or possibly his business card. We also want to talk to you if you’ve met or come into contact with Bob over the years, maybe at his shop or if you have personal stories about the man we’d love to hear it, feel free to post on our new online forum.
Editing the movie continues
November 28- 2008:
We are still editing the movie, which is a long and tedious process. We have completed our first feature length trailer and will be unveiling it this Christmas, December 25th! Mark your calendars and get ready for Bob Berdella.
We recently have been contacted by Urban Chillers who are preparing a DVD entitled “New Faces of Horror” Vol. 1, and they have chosen our movie as one of the many they will feature on their compilation horror trailers DVD Once this is completed and released we will post a link to their web site. We still have some t-shirts left, if your interested please email us.
Berdella T-Shirts
October 1- 2008:
T-Shirt Design for Berdella, E-Mail us if you want to special order a shirt, provide quantity and sizes.
Bob’s polaroid collection
September 2- 2008:
Just added Bob’s polaroid collection to the multimedia section of the web site.
Teaser trailer now online
August 23- 2008:
Teaser Trailer Now Online.
Filming officially completed
August 21- 2008:
Filming is officially complete and now the editing begins. The first teaser will be available online within the next few days, the actual first trailer wont be available until mid September. We have added some new sections to the page: production photos, wallpapers, and fan art all available in the Multimedia section of the web site.
Filming and more extras
July 29- 2008:
Filming is going really well, we are currently nearing our half way point. We will be needing EXTRAS this weekend, Saturday and Sunday in Excelsior Springs, Missouri. Please contact us if you have any interest in participating and would like more information on what exactly you’d be doing.
We will have a trailer up very shortly, expect it in the next week or sooner. Productions photos and behinds the scenes pictures will be uploaded as well.
Extras for shooting
July 16- 2008:
We need extras for shooting next week and the week after. If you’re interested please contact us via email. Also have 2 minor roles for females available. We need to fill these soon, if you would like to audition for us please contact us immediately.
Looking for 80s vehicles
July 10 – 2008:
If anyone has access to vehicles from the 1980s please contact us, we would like to use them in our feature film.
Casting for Berdella
July 7 – 2008:
Official movie web site is launched. Casting is almost complete for the film. A few minor roles and spots for extras are needed, if anyone is interested please contact us via email. This web site will be updated throughout the coarse of filming and production. Details as to where the film will be screened at, its initial premiere, and distribution information will all be made available in the future. Filming is occurring the last two weeks in July ’08 in Kansas City, Missouri and Excelsior Springs, Missouri.
Please check out our My Space page and add Bob as friend.
Interesting Tid Bits:
-The film will feature an alternate Spanish dub.
-Movie soundtrack will be made available upon release of the film.

Berdella Poster